PAPR is short for Powered Air Purifying Respirator
PAPR's include a blower that draws contaminated air through filter/s to remove contaminants, supplying purified air to the user wearing either an open head top (loose fitting hood) or tight-fitting face piece.
PAPR's are usually required where a risk assessment finds that negative pressure respirators (ie. dust mask/half face etc) will not provide sufficient protection. The most common applications are tunneling, underground mining, concrete recycling and construction where there is high levels of dust and/or other contaminants.
The benefits of a PAPR are:
- Protection factors up to 100+, based on the head top and filter/cartridge being used
- Good option if using for long periods by reducing the weight of a filter carried on a face mask
- Helps reduce user fatigue with air moving around the head and face cooling the wearer
- Available with a wide range of hoods and head tops
- Where a visor or face shield head piece is used safety spectacles are not required and prescription glasses can be comfortably worn underneath.
- PAPR combinations that rely upon positive pressure air flow with a loose-fitting head top do not require fit testing.

Filter classifications:
Particulate Filters are classified as P1, P2 or P3:
- P1 filters suitable for mechanically generated particles
- P2 filters suitable for mechanical & thermally generated particles
- P3 filters suitable for mechanical, thermally generated particles & highly toxic
Gas filters are rated Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 according to their capacity to capture and hold certain gas/vapours
The classification for gas & vapour filters is based on the groups of gases they are designed to be most effective against. Filters have colour-coded labels for easy identification of the different groups.
These features make PAPRs ideal for industries such as: asbestos removal; pharmaceutical manufacture; smelters; waste control; land remediation; welding; and agriculture.
With any negative pressure or PAPR RPE the selection and use of the correct filter for the contaminant/hazard is crucial. Filters are typically designed to handle particulates, gas/vapour, or a combination of both particulate and gas.
Filter selection guide:

Refer to AS/NZS 1715 for Different combination Required Minimum Protection Factors (RMPF). This selection guide is only an outline designed to focus on products which may be appropriate for typical applications - it should not be used as the only means of selecting a product. Selection of the most appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will depend on the particular situation and exposure levels and should be made only by a competent person knowledgable of the assessed risks, actual working conditions and limitiation of PPE. Details regarding performance and limitations are set out on the product packaging and user information. If in doubt, contact a safety professional or 3M.
Choosing the Right Respirator:
Selecting the correct respirator for your needs is crucial, as no respirator can filter out hazards it's not designed for. We recommend conducting a thorough risk and exposure analysis to ensure the right protection.
What brand to use?
All Trades stocks and supplies a range of the leading PAPR brands including:
- 3M Versaflo - 3M boast an extensive range that will cover most applications. They come with a waist mounted blower unit and a range of different hoods, visors and helmets. Spare parts and replacement filters are available.
- Cleanspace - With a unique neck mounted motor unit which clips directly to the mask leaving the waist free of obstruction. Come in both half and full face masks.
- JSP - Offer a hard hat helmet mounted blower unit which is integrated into the face shield.
- Cleanair - Come in 2 different motor units and a range of hoods, visors and helmets to suit a wide range of applications. Spare parts and replacement filters are available.
- YHS - Offer a sturdy affordable waist mounted blower unit with the option of a helmet visor or soft spray hood. Spare parts and replacement filters are available.
With a wide range available, we are able to analyse your needs and tailor a solution for your particular work environment as not all styles and brands will work for all industries and applications.
Need help in putting together a solution?
Get in contact today to organise a site visit by one of our respiratory experts.